Turn your passion for photography into profession


How many of us have the courage to follow our passion instead of opting for the safe route of taking up a regular job? In your day today life we meet so many people who are not satiated with their job. and also lots off individuals still wondering what you want to be when they grow up? lots of companies face attrition, people sift one to another job within 3 months / months. Why these problems happen.. because people don’t love what they do .. there is a nice saying “The only way to do  great work is to love what you do.” So today we are going to discus how we turn photography into profession not just passion.

1.Know your gear. A major misconception about professional photographers is that you must have a fancy camera body or multiple lenses in order to be successful. While having a great camera certainly does improve your business, being a successful photographer has more to do with knowing the ins and outs of camera basics. Before considering photography as a business, you need to know your camera and gear like the back of your hand.

  • Start off with a basic camera before jumping into buying a camera ranging in the thousands of dollars. A good photographer can take photos with a lower-end camera model, so get comfortable with a basic body first. As you begin to understand the camera and lenses, then look into purchasing new additions.

2) Declare yourself a photographer: That’s what you ARE in life. You’re not a student, not a finance-guy-slash-part-time-photographer, not a part-time anything. You’re a photographer. People have to know this.Take photographs everyday and share them, pimp them, promote them like mad. For clients and for yourself. Get creative as all hell. Find YOUR voice through shooting more photos than you thought was possible. Aim to be different, not better than everybody else. Be brutal in your edit. Put forward only your best work around the things you actually want to get paid to shoot. Break all the rules here too. And again, you’ll be mistaken 50% of the time, but you gotta take your swings to hit anything at all. Don’t forget, the DOING is the only thing that matters here too. What you THINK is nice, but it counts for zilch, zero, nada. Action wins.

3) Build your portfolio: In order to get hired by someone who isn’t a close family member or friend, you will need to have a portfolio built up to show off your best work. Use photographs from multiple shoots with different subject matter to show the range of your talents. Make sure that your portfolio is composed of more than just five or ten photos; people will want to see the great work you’ve done.

  • Take photos every day to hone your skills and provide a wide range of images to choose for your portfolio. These photos don’t have to be of planned photo shoots; they can be from scenes in everyday life.
  • Hire beginning models for free from local agencies in exchange for free prints to use for your portraits. This gives you the opportunity to pose someone however you would like without having to pay them.

4) Stop Trying To Please Everyone: All photographers love different styles of photography. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s great to own, and be influenced by a range of different artwork. But are you marketing yourself as just a photographer? As someone who can take great shots of anything? Or are you the expert at the one thing your potential client really needs?

Which photographer do you think will get hired first?

  1. Differentiating yourself from the competition is critical to success, particularly when you’re starting out. This will be your unique selling proposition or USP.  And your USP isn’t just about promotion, it’s also about your brand, your services, and your marketing methods. There are a million great photographers out there, how will you stand out?

To differentiate yourself  think about:

•    Limiting the services your offer
•    Narrowing down your target audience
•    Creating a single ideal client profile
•    Adding your unique personality and style to every aspect of your business

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